Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Good Thought

I married into one extraordinary family. Nick has some of the most amazing grandparents, uncles and cousins around. This past summer I finally got to meet one of his cousins that I had really been looking forward to. Her name is McKenna and she is an amazing woman. She probably doesn't know how she inspires me but I was reading her blog today and I was so moved by her thoughts. She is one incredible lady - having faced much trial, stands so supremely footed in the gospel and is one with enormous faith. I wanted to attach one part of her post today that really touched me: "So for all of us that are going through a trial of life (not limited to this of course), we have a choice. If it is unknown that this is a specific "trial of your faith", you too have a choice. You will go through this trial no matter the choice, all this choice does is determine your 1. happiness level while going through it 2. how the Savior judges that you do at the end. It really only comes down to two choices and I am sure we all know what they are. We can either see this as an opportunity to make our faith stronger and draw closer to the Lord in trust during the trial OR we can become any level of bitter, ignore him through our trial and only thank him after we are blessed with it. One way is ultimately easier and the other rather lonely. Your choice. I'd say make the best of the trial and heck, work hard to be a better person so at the end you are stronger." Thank you McKenna for sharing your story, journey, and most importantly your testimony! You are a strength to all of us!


Laurie LC Lewis said...

Well said, McKenna. Wise of you to share that. We always can use such a good reminder.

Love, Mom

Danielle said...

Hey I voted for Jacob - I like the traditional names. It was a tie for me with Benjamin. You have to think of relatives - like Tommy & Krista's Christian - Tristan would sound too much like it. It could be a pain - we have a "Jake" and "Jace" and a "Halle" and "Hadley" and it gets confusing! Just my thought!!

Starley Family said...

What a sweet tribute. Ummm...I voted for Benjamin. Mostly because there is the most darling little guy out here with that name. Funny how knowing someone makes you like or dislike a name. But really you guys have great taste and I would love any little guy of yours with one of those names!