Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day

When I was a little girl, I remember dreaming about who I married and what our life would be like. As I got older, I just prayed that Heavenly Father would help me find someone that would be my perfect match. Luckily for me, Heavenly Father answered all my prayers and Nick has made all my dreams come true! I love you Nick. Happy Father's Day!


Matt & April Herman said...

Seriously! That is the cutest pic. ever:) I am so glad you are so happy and everything is going wonderful in your life. I miss you so much my friend:)

HailerStar said...

I love what you prayed for. I ended up praying for my best match, the one I could make it work well with, since I was rather shaky on the idea of being able to make a relationship successful ... And God gave me Stephen. He knew Steve would be my best friend before even I knew that for myself. I am so grateful that God listens to our prayers and our hopes and dreams and helps us achieve them!
Much love to you and your family!


Starley Family said...

Oh I thought I commented earlier. I LOVE LOVE this photo. Nick is truly a remarkable guy and that's why he's a perfect match for you (meaning you're remarkable too...just in case you didn't pick that up wink wink). Can't wait to see you guys and cuddle sweet Brady!!!!