Wednesday, February 3, 2010

When haircuts go very, very wrong

Does he look like anyone to you? Think harder.....
Now look at this guy.......
Not so pretty, eh? No, I did not cut it myself. I actually payed for this thing. Well, it's been a couple of days and it's already starting to look a little better! Good thing because Lloyd was NOT going to be one of our Little D's nicknames.


Scrap Happy said...

HAHAHAHahaaaa!! Yes, I knew who that was before I saw the second picture. Too funny!

Clark and Liesel said...

You make me laugh! I still think he looks cute. But thank goodness hair grows back!

Bloom Family said...

Ha, ha that's so funny. I would never have put those pictures together before. :) I think it's cute. Glad you guys could come over yesterday! Caleb had so much fun! (and I did too :) )