Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So much going on...

I have really fallen off the blogging wagon as of late.  I get so far behind and it gets too overwhelming to play catch up so I just keep ignoring the blog all together.  I have been, in all honesty, overwhelmed with my life in general lately.  But, there's a good reason for all these overwhelming feelings.  Holiday season is upon us, which means coming up with creative costumes, creative gifts, creative food, etc.  But more than that, April is just around the corner and around that corner is baby #3!  That's right, I am pregnant with our third and it's been, well, overwhelming at best.  I love being a mom and the thought of this new little baby makes me really excited but it also carries its share of worries.  For those of you keeping track, this will be three babies in three years - YIKES!!  Which also means three c-sections in three years. So my body and mind have been through quite a bit these last three years so I hope I can handle things!  In any case, this is the big reveal.  We are thrilled and know that this just means more hugs and more kisses (more diapers, more crying, more sleep gone) to enjoy!  At least I am honest, right?!?!


Nate and Lori said...

HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats wonderful news! Congrats! Your kids are the cutest so you'd better have a whole bunch of them!

Richard and McKenna said...

AWESOME!! Congrats! :)

Clark and Liesel said...

Congrats my dear friend! I am sooo happy for you! I agree that being a mom is the best! So glad you get to have another sweetie come to your family!

Aaron and Melissa said...

Congrats! Hope this pregnancy is going well so far! Hang in there. Kids are a lot of work, but so worth it, as you know. We miss you guys. Hope we can catch up soon.

Parkinson Family said...

CONGRATS! Super excited for ur 3rd little one! We are expecting our 3rd in April. It's fun and busy isn't it?

Nicole said...

AMANDA!!!!! WOW. Congratulations! We are happy for you both. What great news! I totally can relate to the whole overwhelming feeling. You can do it! You have each other and you can do it. Awesome, three little, adorable kiddos.